When it comes to men’s health, there are many important aspects to consider including hormonal health and fertility, general fitness and stamina, libido and erectile function, stress management and prostate health. For all of these concerns, at all ages, we can turn to herbs to help naturally support the body.
First and foremost, it is essential that we get the basics right via a highly nutritious wholefoods diet, regular and appropriate exercise (and recovery time), quality and joyful relationships and stress-management practices to support the nervous system. Then we can turn to herbs that can nudge the body towards health and support its natural rhythms and functions.
By Tamara Welsh, Happy Herbalist
Men’s hormonal health
Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction, lowered libido and male infertility are on the rise. Adequate levels of androgens, specifically testosterone, are vital for male quality of life, longevity, and positive health outcomes and so supporting testosterone production is an important consideration for all men in all stages of life. Fortunately, beneficial herbs exist that can help support male hormones, two of which are outlined below.
Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris) is a wonderful herb to support male hormones. It is thought to improve testosterone levels in men when they are low. Tribulus contains a high number of steroidal saponins, some of which are considered to be responsible for the effects of Tribulus including improving libido as well as sperm count and motility. As a tonic herb, Tribulus is effective at combating fatigue and physical stress so it is a great herb where stress is the root cause for lowered libido or erectile dysfunction.
Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia) is native to South east Asia and has become popular in recent years as an ‘anti-aging’ remedy for men. Studies have shown Tongkat ali to stimulate the release of free testosterone, improve sex drive, reduce fatigue, and improve well-being. Interestingly, Tongkat ali is thought to maintain and restore normal testosterone levels in those individuals whose levels are depleted rather than boost levels in anyone who tries the herb. Therefore, Tongkat ali is a useful herb for men with low levels of testosterone.
General fitness and stamina
Supporting fitness and stamina is often high on the priority list for many men helping them achieve their goals in work, sports endeavours and personal/family life. Two herbs to help with stamina and improve physical endurance include Rhodiola and Maca.
Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) is an adaptogen and tonic herb, supporting the adrenals and stress response. Research is building supporting these actions of Rhodiola and its ability to improve mental and physical endurance during stressful periods.
Similarly, Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a potent adaptogen that is used to increase energy and endurance, improve mood and increase libido and fertility. Maca often comes as a powder and has a lovely sweet taste. It is easy to incorporate both Rhodiola and Maca powders into the diet. Check out this recipe for a Maca smoothie.
Stress management
Stress is a major player when it comes to hormonal health. Prolonged consistent stress (even perceived stress) can greatly impact this system and a holistic approach is essential to breaking the stress cycle.
For chronic stress leading to lowered libido, we can consider the herb Damiana (Turnera diffusa). Damiana, a nervine trophorestorative, nourishes and restores the nervous system. Additionally, Damiana has an aphrodisiac action and can be helpful for both sexes to stimulate libido. These actions are thought to be due to Damiana’s anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects and it’s impacts on nitric oxide synthesis.
Supporting the prostate gland
It is considered fairly normal for the prostate gland to increase in size with age. This only becomes an issue where unwanted symptoms develop, usually related to urination. It is essential that you seek the advice of your medical provider if symptoms arise. One herb, specific for the prostate is Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens).
Saw palmetto is a palm. The fruit is used in Western herbal medicine for conditions of the prostate and urinary tract (particularly of men) that require tonic and antispasmodic action. If used in the early stages of prostate enlargement, Saw palmetto provides a tonic action and can help to slow down the glands enlargement and, therefore alleviate urinary symptoms.
If prostate cancer is in your family or a concern for you, you may also wish to consider upping your intake of tomatoes (particularly concentrated forms such as tomato paste). Tomatoes contain a substance known as lycopene and a growing body of evidence suggests this important constituent may play a role in reducing the risk of prostate cancer.
What is sexual health health?
The World Health Organization definition: sexual health is an emotional, mental and physical state of sexual well-being. This does not mean that there are diseases, dysfunctions or infirmities in the body.
What herbs are the best for men’s health?
There are many different herbs that are great at helping with men’s health. Some of the most popular include:
- – Tongkat ali and Tribulus to aid sexual health and testosterone levels
- – Rhodiola and Maca for stamina and stress
- – Saw palmetto and Nettle root to help with the treatment of the prostate gland
- – Ashwagandha to tone the nervous system and help with sleep
Can herbs treat erectile dysfunction?
Herbs are a useful tool in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It is important to first find the cause of erectile dysfunction as this can be different for each individual (e.g. high blood pressure, stress/anxiety, obesity and diabetes, hardening of the veins and arteries etc). Once the cause is understood, then the correct herbs can be used to help the condition.
What natural supplements help men?
There are many herbs and natural supplements that can support male health. You may be best to chat to your natural healthcare practitioner to find out what’s best for you. Some great herbs for men’s health include:
- – Tongkat ali and Tribulus to aid sexual health and testosterone levels
- – Rhodiola and Maca for stamina and stress
- – Saw palmetto and Nettle root to support the prostate gland
- – Ashwagandha to tone the nervous system and aid sleep
Estrada-Reyes R, Carro-Juárez M, Martínez-Mota L. Pro-sexual effects of Turnera diffusa Wild (Turneraceae) in male rats involves the nitric oxide pathway. J Ethnopharmacol. 2013 Mar 7;146(1):164-72. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2012.12.025. Epub 2013 Jan 5. PMID: 23298455.
Tambi MI, Imran MK, Henkel RR. Standardised water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia, Tongkat ali, as testosterone booster for managing men with late-onset hypogonadism? Andrologia. 2012 May;44 Suppl 1:226-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01168.x. Epub 2011 Jun 15. PMID: 21671978.
Protich M, Tsvetkov D, Nalbanski B, Stanislavov R, Katsarova M. Clinical trial of the preparation Tribestan in infertile men. Akush Ginekol. 1983;22(4):326-9.
Mirahmadi M, Azimi-Hashemi S, Saburi E, Kamali H, Pishbin M, Hadizadeh F. Potential inhibitory effect of lycopene on prostate cancer. Biomed Pharmacother. 2020 Sep;129:110459. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2020.110459. Epub 2020 Jun 30. PMID: 32768949.
Also by The Happy Herbalist
Herbs and Habits to Boost Vitality