Botanical name: Zingiber officinale
Other names:
Ginger root is a common culinary spice, traditionally used as an appetite stimulant, carminative (helps expel gas from intestines) and food preservative (due to its antimicrobial properties). It is well known to reduce the nausea of motion sickness and pregnancy (dried root is best).
Ginger thins the blood and stimulates circulation, assisting in cold hands and feet, cramps, and chilblains. It promotes sweating, so it is useful in feverish conditions. Hot ginger tea is beneficial for menstrual cramps, and can also be used as a poultice or tea for cramps, sore muscles or inflammation.
Preparation: Dried root: 1 tsp/cup, simmer 5 minutes. Fresh root, 1 tsp/cup, steep 10 minutes.
Reference: David Hoffman (2003), Medical Herbalism, p. 597., Matthew Wood (2008), The Earthwise Herbal, pp. 533-536.
Ginger Common Uses
Ginger Actions
Ginger Recipes
Ginger Precautions
Ginger can cause mild side effects including heartburn, diarrhea, and general stomach discomfort. Avoid with antiplatelet or anticoagulant medication.
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