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At Happy Herb Co, we are advocates for people using entheogens and psychedelics to expand their consciousness in conjunction with herbs, manifest and create happy and healthy lives, and live their fullest potential in a magical way. One way that you can also achieve this is through ceremony, through tapping into the rhythms of the planet and the cosmos and their cycles, without having to use entheogens.

One of our favourite times of year is the Lion’s Gate Portal, which is the 8th day of the 8th month and it is the first date of the astrological calendar. This is a potent time of the year to go really deep with ourselves and use the universal flow to support this journey.

What is Lion’s Gate?

  • First day of the astrological year
  • The Lion’s Gate alignment is a period of high cosmic energy from July 26th – August 8th, peaking on the 8th of August.
  • When Sirius (our ‘spiritual star’) aligns with Orion’s Belt. This is a unique planetary alignment between the Earth, Sun and our star system Sirius. ✴️
  • Number 8 in numerology represents abundance and manifestation. Its shape represents the spiral movement of the continuous ebb and flow of universal energy and of cause & effect.
  • Number 8 turned on its side is infinity! ♾
  • Falls in Leo season — strength, pride, leadership, creativity AND near the August Full Moon in Aquarius: a powerful time to shake things up, manifest/clear karma, “shake up the universe and dream big.”

What does it mean for us?

  • A time you are able to manifest abundance more than any other time of year!
  • Supports our intentions to manifest in the physical world
  • Great time to set intentions, journal, create a little ritual that speaks to YOU, embodiment, practice gratitude, channel an abundance mindset
  • Be conscious of the energy you are giving off and surround yourself with
  • Embody an abundant mindset and give off this frequency – what you put out, you receive

lions gate activation herbs for lions gate portal

Herbs for Lions Gate

Here are some herbal allies that activate your spirit and help you journey to higher states of consciousness. These are powerful herbs for meditation, setting intentions, journaling, manifestation, ceremony, and elevating your mind, body and soul to higher frequencies.

Blue Lily

This dreamy herb was smoked and ingested by the ancient Egyptians, producing a subtle, calming and etheric effect. This plant spirit’s connection with the Ancient Egyptians is especially fitting for today because archaeological records indicate their fascination to Sirius, with windows at the top of the pyramids perfectly aligning with this star when it is highest in the sky.


A beautiful heart opener, ceremonial cacao is a beautiful plant healer to help you drop into your body and feel into your heart chakra. Tapping into this loving frequency may open you up to your deepest desires and align you with the universal flow of this special day. Try our Ceremonial Cacao recipe here.


Also known as the ‘dream herb,’ this divine plant is traditionally used for lucid dreaming and exploring astral realms. A combination of smoking and drinking an infusion of the herb before bed, setting intention, and focusing on one’s heartbeat is said to create the conditions for dreamtime spiritual journeying.


Another potent lucid dreaming herb, mugwort can facilitate vivid, dreamlike states when sleeping or even in meditation. Mugwort can help relax your body and drop into a higher state of consciousness. It is also believed to activate the Third Eye Chakra and enhance intuition. Also traditionally believed to be a protective plant spirit, mugwort can ward off negative energy and protect your spirit.

White Sage

This sacred Native American herb has healing and clearing properties. When used intentionally, white sage can cleanse your physical space, including your mind and body, protecting you from unwanted energy and making space for new energy and intentions to flow in. This is an especially helpful herb to work with during a Lion’s Gate ritual/ceremony.

Gotu Kola

This herb is helpful for the nervous system and cognition, making it a helpful tool for focus and meditation. Gotu Kola can help with keeping a clear mind when channeling your intentions, journaling, and meditating.

Sinicuichi ‘Sun Opener’

This plant is called Sinicuichi (or Sun Opener) by the Aztecs and is still used by Mexican shamans as a trance divination catalyst. They regard it as a sacred herb, enabling vivid recall of past distant events. Some users even report the remembrance of pre-birth events! Often causes a yellowing of the vision and altered acoustic perception. May induce feelings of calmness and unity.

Happy Lion’s Gate! Wishing you a mindful day filled with lots of love and connection to yourself, humanity, and the universe. We hope you feel the loving, supportive vibrations that surround you today (and everyday). Let go, drop in deep, and breathe life into your dreams.


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