Happy Herb Co is dedicated to supporting health and happiness through the healing power of herbs. We believe that with knowledge and access to herbal products, people can change their lives, their communities, and the world for the better.
As an authority on herbalism and a leading global advocate of herbal health products, we are a positive force for change in the world.

Empowering individuals and communities to optimise and enhance their health through herbs, whilst promoting sustainable, ethical, and heart-based living practices.
It’s time for change! To what we put into our bodies, how we do business, how we relate to each other, the planet, and how information is shared. We are driven by a passion for this change, and a determination to offer a positive alternative to the stress and self-medicating culture of the 21st century.
For nutrition, wellbeing, ceremony, reconnection with nature, conscious partying, or breaking addiction – we want you to be fully empowered to bring about the changes you want in your life.
Through our business and the non-profit projects we support, we are dedicated to sharing knowledge and providing products that support healthy living, heal communities, and protect the environment.

The seeds for Happy Herb Co were planted 25 years ago by founder, director, and tireless herb activist Ray Thorpe.
Ray awakened to the healing, connecting power of herbs, and germinated his passion through research and experimentation. He learnt how herbs could offer a safe, healthy, non-addictive alternative to many medicinal and recreational drugs- and that this knowledge was actively suppressed by those with vested interests.
In a quest to promote the appreciation and education of plants and herbs, Ray started a market stall at the monthly market in Uki, a small village in northern New South Wales, Australia. From these humble beginnings, Happy Herb Co has grown into a family of 23 shops around Australia and the USA, as well as the number one supplier for wholesale and retail customers around the world.
We continue to sell the highest quality dried herbs and health tonics, elixirs, energy boosters, mood enhancers, aphrodisiacs, and tinctures on the market.

We fight for freedom of information, for free access to plants, and for our right to promote healthy, natural alternatives.
We serve to re-educate the public about the important role that herbs play in human health and well-being. Legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco, and illegal and unregulated synthetic drugs – both result in considerable negative effects to health, society, and the environment. They are also supported by industries with no care for, or responsibility to, those consuming their products.
There are herbal alternatives available with none of these harmful or addictive traits, negative side effects, come-downs or hangovers. Major drug policy experts and institutions around the world have recognised that prohibition of herbs such as marijuana is an untenable and harmful policy. However, for various political, economic, and moral reasons, governments continue to control and restrict people’s use of plants for medicinal or recreational purposes.
Through our activism, knowledge-sharing, and by supplying safe legal alternatives to drugs of harm and addiction, we fight for a properly informed, empowered public.
We support the work of organisations such as the Plant Freedom Alliance, who work to change regressive drug laws in favour of evidence-based harm minimisation strategies.

Not just for profit!
We are a social enterprise – a business motivated by more than just profit. We respect our role as custodians of our planet and our communities, and seek to give back as well as receive.
More than 10% of our profit is set aside for community projects and causes. We support non-profit organisations such as our Humanitarian partners, Ecological Causes, Plant Freedom fighers, and Animal Welfare activists. We hope to inspire other businesses to adopt social enterprise status, and support the welfare of our planet and global community.

An Australian icon!
Our shops are the pulsing heart of herb communities everywhere. In Australia, Happy Herb Shops have become synonymous with expertise and a huge array of products, provided in a friendly, compassionate, and inclusive environment.
Our resident expert herbalist Tamara Welsh conducts regular training webinars for all our Happy Herb Co Shop workers, ensuring they have the a deep knowledge and understanding of remedies and products. By drawing upon ancient wisdom traditions and modern research, we empower our customers to take charge of their own health and wellbeing.
Our team of herbies is an eclectic mix of herbalists, natural therapists, festival goers, business people and plant nerds – all connected by a love of plants, people and our planet.