Stonebreaker (Phyllanthus niruri) is recognisable by its florets (balls) – the seeds growing underneath the leaf.
I’ve been really crook with the flu, so bad even Propolis hasn’t helped. A friend who is staying with me at the moment went outside to the lawn and picked some good old Phyllanthus, more commonly known as Stonebreaker, which we sell mainly for breaking up kidney stones. I also know a lady that had liver cancer and she claims it kept her alive.
My friend says this of Phyllanthus, aka Stonebreaker:
“It appears everywhere as a weed. I had tried it as a powder and found it wasn’t very effective. I couldn’t feel anything from it. I went up to Cairns and it was growing absolutely everywhere, you couldn’t go 10 metres without seeing it. I ate it for about 6 weeks. You can feel it working straight away; it makes you really thirsty, it flushes your system and is a diuretic.
I knew it was good for stones, etc. but then I looked it up on the Internet to learn a bit more about it. I was at a friend’s place who had it growing in his cactus plants. He was pulling it out and I said “you should be eating that!” and told him it was called Phyllanthus.
He looked it up on the net and it had pages of listed benefits on the site he pulled up. I didn’t know that it may be good for cancer; it said it is an immune stimulant, helps white blood cell count, bone marrow, interleukin and leukocytes, and co-ordinates your immune system like ginger does. It is anti-inflammatory, it stops metastasizing, it’s hepatoprotective (stops damage to the liver) for toxins, and it may get rid of really deep seated infections like hepatitis B, AIDS, syphilis, the ones that retreat into your nervous or immune system and you can’t really get them otherwise. There is quite a lot of research on it for Hepatitis B and AIDS.
There’s also been a lot of research done into it to use for diabetes. In Cairns they have it growing in hedges outside supermarkets, it’s everywhere!
I was wanting to eat it all the time, but was wondering where I would find it, and there it was in the car park of the airport, where I had my first dose! At my son’s place it was growing out of his pot plants. Everywhere I went I’d never seen it down here in Northern NSW, though. I spent 6 weeks up north, and when I came home it was outside the back door! “
My Take:
It sounds like we human beings should be eating Stonebreaker!
The fresh taste is not too bad. It also clears out your liver ducts. Researchers have been trying to work out what the chemical basis of its actions are since the 1970s.
There are lignans and a special alkaloid. It kicks arse! It makes you really thirsty after a while. A few times I was a bit dehydrated when I ate it.
I think just as the seeds are forming, when they are stick succulent and not prickly, is when it is the strongest.
The phyllanthus has an upright woody stem and looks a lot like sensitive plant, the one that folds up its leaves at night and upon touch. So many people will have it outside their door and in their garden!
Not your average weed!